The Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators, or CAMA, met last week in Gatineau, Quebec for their annual convention, and I had a steady stream of booth traffic, all with an interest in mobile-first solutions for solving two municipal issues close to my heart:

Municipal government administrators have a keen sense of urgency. They must temper the expectations of council, and at the same time, marshal the bureaucracy of government to achieve tangible results. As speaker after speaker attested, it’s not an easy job. Even Pinball Clemons, one of the most charismatic and bold speakers I’ve had the honour to enjoy, had to pull out all the stops to share his message of service, and seeking to find the “Sweeeeet spot.”

14 Oranges 2 Men smiling at camera

The sweet spot is that moment when the CAO’s job works to everyone’s satisfaction. Council is happy, the bureaucracy is functioning smoothly and citizens are satisfied. He likened it to the swing the Jose Bautista made that preceded the legendary bat flip. After striking out multiple times that game, Jose kept swinging. And when he connected, there was no doubt.

14 Oranges, to steal Pinball’s baseball analogy, makes bats for CAOs. They are forgiving and easy to swing. They can be customized to add weight, or tempered to be easy to control, but when they are used effectively, we help CAOs hit home runs out of the park.

CAMA Roundup: Finding the Sweet Spot!