Engage your community
14 Oranges is a leader in community engagement apps with our Info Grove platform. The Info Grove platform is dedicated to simplifying the deployment and management of mobile apps for municipalities, unions, and associations. The platform offers rapid app development and deployment (less than 6 weeks) and numerous features allowing organizations to effectively engage their communities.
Native Development
Our Info Grove Apps are implemented as Apple and Google intended, resulting in the ultimate performance and usability without compromise.
Powerful Content Management System
Info Grove is backed by a powerful and easy to use Content Management System (CMS) putting you in full control of your content.
Targetted Push Notifications
Provide timely and relevant push notifications to the right audience and increase your community engagement level.
Fully Customized Apps
Our Info Grove apps can be fully branded to your specifications and branding guidelines ensuring a seamless experience to your users.

City of Burnaby
The City of Burnaby has deployed 14 Oranges’ Info Grove self-managed mobile app service to engage with residents and visitors of Burnaby. Info Grove allows Burnaby staff members to independently add and update content with the simple to use backend management system. Government officials will now be able to relay information about events, news, and emergencies using their citizen engagement app.
Michigan Education Association
The Michigan Education Association is using Info Grove to engage its 120,000+ members on industry issues, news, and information. Through the MEA mobile app, members can view benefits and discounts, stay up to date on union news, events and training schedules, find and contact lawmakers, and connect with the MEA Help Center and MEA offices around the state.

Royal Ottawa - OSI Connect
The Royal Ottawa launched OSI Connect, a comprehensive learning and self-management tool to assist Canadian veterans and RCMP community with common mental health concerns. Built with Info Grove for iPad, iPhone, and Android, OSI Connect is portable and provides information and assistance at the touch of a button.
PTSD, anxiety, depression and substance abuse are all types of operational stress injuries (OSI). Canadian veterans and RCMP need to know that OSI Clinics across Canada specialize in treating these conditions that come from combat, grief, high-stress situations or operational fatigue.