14 Oranges exhibits at the North Dakota League of Cities Annual Conference

14 Oranges is excited to be working with the North Dakota League of Cities (NDLC) to build its 2022 Annual Conference app. The NDLC Annual Conference is an opportunity for city leaders to come together to share ideas and best practices, attend workshops on issues that affect city government and connect with businesses that provide services and products to municipalities.

North Dakota League of Cities Annual Conference
Grand Forks Alerus Center, Grand Forks, ND
September 22-24

A Unique Opportunity

The conference is a unique opportunity for municipalities leaders and vendors to both see an app built on the Info Grove platform in action by downloading the conference app and connect with us to learn more about its specialized approach to developing mobile apps for towns and municipalities across North America.

Event attendees who download the NDLC conference app can experience first-hand how flexible and dynamic the Info Grove platform is–the app will help improve the conference attendees’ experience and increase engagement by providing information on the agenda, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, raffle and much more.

Meet the Team and See How You Can Build a Mobile App for Your Municipality

Conference attendees can also speak with team members to learn more about the Info Grove platform designed specifically to build mobile apps for towns, cities and municipalities.

Info Grove works with municipalities across North America, including North Dakota’s City of the Year 2021,The City of Cavalier. The platform helps municipalities achieve next-level citizen engagement and improve the lives of their citizens.

A Mobile App for Your Municipality is More Accessible Than You Think

Like most municipalities, representatives from the North Dakota cities attending the conference may think developing an app is an expensive and lengthy process. But, the Info Grove platform is designed specifically with your municipality in mind. The app development process is simple, scalable, and able to meet small municipal budgets while still packing in a lot of features.

The Value of Sharing Experiences

Early North Dakota city leaders could not have even fathomed sharing information via an application on a tiny electronic device in the palms of their citizens’ hands. But,NDLC did have a vision of bringing city leaders together so the entire membership could benefit.

“Another object of the League is to disseminate the information which the different cities may have on…city problems, so that when one has met and solved any problem, the other members of the League may have the benefit of its experience.” – Account from the first NDLC meeting on September 25, 1912

We are thrilled to share what we’ve learned working with the City of Cavalier, City of Center ND and countless others municipalities across the continent. The team looks forward to meeting municipal leaders from across North Dakota who are looking to help their staff engage with residents and enhance the experience of the people living in their cities.

You can contact the team in advance or book a time to have a meeting at the show.

We look forward to seeing you there!

We’ll Be At The North Dakota League of Cities Annual Conference