As the final month of 2023 unveils itself, bringing with it the (wet) charm of winter in Vancouver and the spirit of the holiday season, I wanted to take a moment to reflect and express my gratitude.

The diversity that Vancouver offers is reflected in the tapestry of our clients. From various backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs, our interactions with you have always been a source of inspiration and learning. It’s this diversity that reminds us every day that while we all may celebrate different occasions and cherish different traditions, the underlying spirit of goodwill, hope, and unity binds us all.

Thank you for entrusting us with your projects, technical visions and ideas throughout the year. Every application or website we’ve developed, every line of code we’ve written, has a story behind it—a story of a business, a dream, or a mission. It’s an incredible honour to be a part of these narratives.

I’d also like to express my sincere appreciation for the referrals you’ve passed along. The greatest compliment any business can receive is the trust of its clients, and with every referral, you reinforce that trust. We’re proud to say that many of our new projects come from word-of-mouth recommendations, and for that, we are deeply thankful.

I understand that this season might resonate differently for everyone. Some may be lighting up Christmas trees, while others might be kindling the Hanukkah menorah, celebrating Bodhi Day, or simply cherishing the winter solstice and the promise of a fresh start. To those who might not have a specific celebration this month, I wish you a tranquil time of reflection and relaxation.

In the heart of the holiday season, regardless of how or what you celebrate, our wish for all of you is the same: good health, boundless happiness, and moments of peace and togetherness.

Sylvain Marcotte is CEO and President of 14 Oranges.

Gratitude, Reflection, and Warm Wishes: Embracing the Holiday Spirit